Saturday, April 30, 2011

Regions in Italy

Italy is subdivided into 20 regions (regioni, singular regione). Five of these regions have a special autonomous status that enables them to enact legislation on some of their local matters; these are marked by an asterisk (*) in the table below. The country is further divided into 110 provinces (province) and 8,100 municipalities (comuni).

This came from the Wikipedia page on Italy. Here's the link if you want to read their entire page:

Italian Lesson A

Italian A

Hello – ciao (pronto*)
Goodbye – ciao
Good morning –buon giorno
Good night – buona notte
See you later – a dopo
Yes – si
No – no
Maybe - forsi
Why – perche
What – quale, che
Where – dove
When – quando
Who – chi
Yes, please – si, grazie
Thank you – Grazie
You’re welcome – Prego
Please – Per favore
Excuse me – Mi scusi
My name is ______= Mi chiamo ______.
What’s your name? – Come ti chiami?

I – io
You/yours – tu, lei, voi, loro, ti / tuo, vostro, loro
She, her/hers – Ella, lei, la / lei
He, him/his – Gli, lo / sua, lui
Me/mine – me, mi, io / mio
Example: this is mine = questo e il mio
Example: this book is mine = questo libro e mio
They – loro (people only), si (people in general)
Example: it is said that/they say that = si dice che
Their - loro
Them – li/le, loro, essi
We – noi
Our – Nostro, nostra, nostri

Saturday, April 16, 2011

     Welcome to the new non-profit group BISO. It is an organization of sorts where I am trying to expand the Italian (or Italian speaking) community in Utah Valley.

     I had been searching all over Provo/Orem area to find a study group to join and the only one I found was too elite to let me in! So I decided to start one myself, where anyone that wants to learn could join. My name is Kelcy, and I am the leader of the group.

     I will call this the "Homepage" for BISO. The rest of my pages will probably not be "blogs", just the Italian lessons/vocab lists that I have organized for you to learn if you want (my style of thinking). If not, I've heard one of the best ways to learn something is to format it to your own brain by creating your own lesson plans, (which is what I have done while learning Italian), and I have learned this quicker than almost anything I've learned in a classroom! Thanks for reading and for your support! Keep learning my fellow sponges!

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